Respect for the environment is present throughout all Technic Services activities and are part of our culture. All employees actively participate in its implementation. Due to the potential risks and impacts associated with our activities, Technic Services is committed to improve and adopt procedures and policies to achieve the objectives of sustainable development.

Sustainable Practices Implemented

Reduce Paper Usage
Sustainability Awareness To Our Employees
Water, Electricity And Fuel Reduction Measures
Recycling and Reusing Whenever Possible


We are a company with a mission and a purpose.
Having identified the global challenges of the planet and specific objectives that must be achieved, TS wants to be part of the solution in 3 vectors:

  • Contributing as a solution to reduce the environmental impacts of industrial activities, finding solutions to reintroduce materials considered waste into the flow of industrial activity,
  • Introducing the best end-use solutions for waste treatment.
  • Generating employment in our society, seeking to guarantee conditions for
    our workers and, consequently, for their families.
  • Training staff and improving the professional quality of our workers,
    acquiring skills to be autonomous and recognized for their quality.

Where we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals: